💭Empowering Children And Young People To Thrive💭

💭Empowering Children And Young People To Thrive💭

About Me

I am a highly experienced and compassionate counsellor dedicated to working with children and young people. I am here to help you navigate your journey towards being your best self and living the life you deserve.
My service offers a comprehensive counselling experience, designed to help clients navigate challenges, build resilience, and achieve personal growth. As a skilled therapist I can provide individualised support tailored to the specific needs of each client on an on-going basis.
My counselling services provide a safe and nurturing space for children and young people to explore their feelings, develop coping skills, and find their inner strength. I understand the importance of addressing the unique needs of every individual and strive to make a positive impact. I can see clients in a number of locations which can be discussed on booking.

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Important information

  • ICO register

    Registration reference: ZB532214

  • BACP membership number


  • Insurance - Hollistic

    Membership ID Number:HIS96955